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Showing Love for Your Cat(s) on Love Your Pet Day

    Showing Love for Your Cat(s) on Love Your Pet Day

    Kris Hill from the Society for Companion Animal Studies (SCAS) talks about how we can show our pets how much they are loved and support those in need

    Of course, you love your cat every day, even when they scratch on the sofa or cough up a hairball on your pillow. Your cat also knows you love them, even when you grumble about getting woken up too early.

    So why not have a special day when we can demonstrate to the world how much we love our pet cats, and tell everyone how special they are?

    SCAS understands how special our pets are! As a charitable organisation, SCAS is dedicated to supporting research, promoting best practices, and advocating for policies that help both pets and people. Read more about SCAS here.

    How can you celebrate Love Your Pet Day with your beloved companion? Unlike some humans, cats are never impressed by the price tag (unless it can be repurposed as a toy!). Have you ever purchased a fancy cat bed, only to find your cat prefers the box? Maybe your cat shuns the expensive robotic fish toy in favor of a bottle top? What cats love the most is time spent with you (either playing, walking, snuggling, or sitting in quiet companionship).

    See here for some inexpensive ideas to show your pet how special they are. And listen to what Jackson Galaxy says is the best cat toy in the world!

    When we invite cats into our home, we like to believe we can meet their basic needs โ€“ time, exercise, proper nutrition, and veterinary care. However, circumstances can change due to injury, ill-health, redundancy, or any number of curve balls life might throw at us. Unfortunately, the current cost-of-living crisis is seeing many more of us struggling to make ends meet. The anxiety of not being able to provide for a beloved pet can cause considerable emotional stress. The Blue Cross and RSPCA offer advice and support for anyone struggling to cope with the cost of food or healthcare for their pets.

    SCAS also compiled a list of UK foodbanks that cater to pets (please contact us to suggest additions to the list!).

    If you are fortunate enough to be able to provide for your pet and indulge them with expensive toys, perhaps spare a thought for the less fortunate? Show your love for your pet by donating a few tins of cat food to a foodbank or donate to a shelter or animal welfare organization. Maybe you and your pet can do a fund raiser together? See here for some fun and creative (and pet-friendly) ideas on how to involve your pet in raising funds to help others.

    If your own pet was adopted from an animal shelter, supporting that organization can be a truly meaningful way to demonstrate how much you love them!

    MaryMae & PeterLe (above) recently found their forever home with me!

    Follow us on FB and Twitter (@SCASuk), and be sure to retweet posts from us and our partners on #PetsInHousing

    SCAS is the UK’s leading human-companion animal bond organization through funding research, providing education, raising awareness, encouraging best practice, and influencing the development of policies and practices that support the human-companion animal bond. For more details check out our website at


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