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What are Human Foods That Are Good for Cats

    12 Human Foods That Are Good for Cats


    Cats are kind and lovely pets. Everyone enjoys raising cats at home, especially me the author. In addition, I’d love to take care of them. However, to keep them healthy and away of health problems, you shouldn’t feed them any kind of food like candy, potatoes…etc. Despite the fact that cats have special food around, they would love to eat what humans consume as nutrition.

    In this article, we will talk about the 12 human foods that your cat can enjoy. From chicken to eggs and bananas, stay tuned to find out.


    First, Cats are obligate carnivores, which means they need to have meat in their diet to survive and be healthy. Meat is rich in amino acids and animal protein and is the main nutrient source for cats. You can feed your cat beef, chicken, and turkey, as long as they are served without any seasonings like sauces, garlic, or onions. These spices are harmful to your cat.  

    Most vets warn against raw meat from the grocery store because of the risk of salmonella or other bacterial contamination. Make sure the meat is cooked well enough so that all the possible bacteria and viruses on it are killed.  Be sure to take cooked meat off the bone. Cooked bones splinter easily, which can cause choking or a gastrointestinal tract puncture. 


    Second, Plain white and wheat bread is generally safe for cats to eat in moderation. But note that bread contains no nutritional value for them, so it should not replace their normal cat food diet.

    And keep in mind that not all breads are harmless. Some breads contain toxic ingredients that should never be fed to cats.

    Garlic or onions, for example, are ingredients found in bread that can be toxic to cats. Some breads contain nuts, seeds, or chocolate which can cause problems for cats.  And the biggest danger comes from raisins. Raisins are highly toxic to cats and are sometimes found in breads and baked goods. 


    Third, Eggs are safe and even beneficial for cats. They are full of protein, amino acids, and B vitamins, so they make a healthy treat. But make sure to cook the eggs before feeding them to your cat. Raw eggs can be a source of harmful bacteria. Feeding raw eggs to a cat can also lead to vitamin B7 deficiency.


    Fourth, cooked fish is safe for felines and is a great source of protein in a cat’s diet. It contains a vital source of vitamins and amino acids which helps to maintain a healthy coat. The best way to serve fish to your feline friend is to boil it, cut it into small pieces, and without any seasonings. Make sure to remove all bones very carefully. 


    Fifth, if you have ever seen your cat nibble on grass, then you know kitties like leafy greens. Packed with vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, C, and K, iron, and calcium, spinach can be a healthy treat for your feline friend. Many cat food companies also use spinach as an ingredient in their recipes due to its health benefits. 


    Sixth, Cats can eat bacon and ham, but they should only be given it as an occasional treat. These types of meat are incredibly fatty and have a high salt content, which is why they should be given in small amounts as occasional treats. 

    On that note, remember that processed pork meats are unsafe for your feline. These products contain a significant amount of salt, fat, chemical preservatives, and added spices which are bad for your cat’s stomach.


    Seventh, not only is pumpkin high in fiber and low in calories, it is also an effective treatment for cats with loose stools. In fact, many veterinarians suggest pumpkin as a remedy for constipation in feline patients. 

    Fresh fruits

    Eighth, you have probably noticed that some cats chew on houseplants. 

    More often than not, cats chew on plants because they need some vegetation in their diet. Some green stuff provides them with nutrients such as folic acid and aids in the removal of nondigestible materials such as fur. 

    Cantaloupe, for example, helps maintain their skin and eye health. 

    Another fruit that you can feed your feline friend is watermelon. 

    Other fruits such as blueberries, strawberries, seedless apples, and mangoes also make excellent snacks for cats as they are full of vitamins, minerals, and they are high in fiber too. 

    Avocado and grapes should never be given to cats though, as they have been proven to be very toxic for felines.

    Keep in mind that cats are natural carnivores. 

    They have a very small capacity to digest and regulate vegetarian food. So keep the portions small. A vegetarian diet is a big no-no for cats. 


    Ninth, Cats can eat rice as long as it is well-cooked and fed in small quantities. Vets even recommend mixing some rice in with a cat’s usual food to treat diarrhea. 


    Tenth, you will be surprised to know that carrots are perfect for cats. This healthy, low-calorie snack is a great source of vitamin A, magnesium, and many other nutritious things for cats. It helps strengthen your cat’s immune system, promotes good health, and gives your pet a healthy skin. 


    Eleventh, a source of energy and B vitamins for your pet, oatmeal is another human food that can be found in many commercial cat foods. They are packed with fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins which are beneficial to your cat’s overall health. 


    Twelveth, Bananas are loaded with potassium, fiber, and nutrients that make them a cat-safe snack. Although bananas are a healthy treat, they should be given to your cat in moderation and small amounts.

    Read More about 12 Human Foods That Are Good for Cats


    Lastly, to sum all headings up, if you have a pet at home, try to feed them those 12 Human Foods That Are Good for Cats which include meat, rice, fish, eggs, carrots, and more.

    Take a look and see if this article is related to you too: Almost a Fifth of Pet Owners are Cutting Back on Weekly Food Shop to Afford Their Pet’s Care

    Ensure that some food can be toxic and cause health problems for your cats.

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