Three little kittens, born without eyelids, were found abandoned in September. Now they have received a special surgery to save their sight.
A trio in danger of losing their sight
“Marie,” “Berlioz” and “Toulouse,” were initially taken to Randolph Animal Hospital where they were diagnosed with eyelid agenesi. The disease is a rare congenital condition. Staff members realizing the severity of the situation contacted MSPCA – Angell Animal Medical Centers to where the trio was transferred mid-October.
“We weren’t able to perform the specialized eye surgery the kittens require and we’re grateful to the MSPCA for getting them the care they need before they can be adopted,” Susan Harrington, DVM, and owner of the Randolph Animal Hospital said in a press release for the organization.
Kittens eyes can be saved
Without the surgery, the kittens eyes would be constantly irritated. Their dry, itchy eyes would ultimately lead to ulcers in the eyes and, most likely, blindness.
Most noteworthy, the Angell Center’s Ophthalmologist, Dr. Martin Coster, has successfully done this surgery before. In 2014, a kitten named “Phil” underwent the same procedure and today is a happy, healthy four-year old cat. Berlioz and Toulouse will each have a sliver of tissue taken from their lower lips. This tissue is transferred to the muscles that allow the kittens to blink. This will effectively create new eyelids for the pair.
Similarly, Marie will have a slightly different procedure as her condition is less serious than that of her siblings. Cryotherapy, using liquid nitrogen, will be used to create a smooth, hairless eyelid border. Her procedure will happen shortly. Her brothers will have their surgeries later in the year.
Of the kittens Dr. Coster said, “Unfortunately it’s fairly common to see multiple kittens from the same litter suffering from the condition.”
Donations Are Sought
While Dr. Costner does donates his time for these surgeries, the procedures will cost about $5,000.
“Any donations we receive will be used to offset the cost of the kittens’ surgery and to administer ongoing veterinary care for animals like them,” said MSPCA-Angell adoption center associate director Anna Rafferty-Fore. “We’re hopeful that our community will keep supporting our good work so we can continue going above and beyond for the animals in our care.”
If you would like more information or donate to help save the kitten’s sight, please click here: www.mspca.org/kitteneyes
Up for adoption
When the kittens are ready for adoption, the organization will make an announcement, but anyone with interest in adopting one of the kittens can email [email protected] for more information about the adoption process.